Religion & Spirituality

Religion & Spirituality experiences in Bolivia

This is a short list of some places where you can live unforgettable experiences according to your preferences and expectations. Leave Kuntur the job of organizing and planning your best trip to Bolivia.
  • Where to find the best activities related to this experience?
  • Iglesia de San Francisco in La Paz
  • Basílica de Nuestra Señora de Copacabana
  • Rituales Kallawayas
  • Museo Virgen de Copacabana
  • Santuario y Monumento a la Virgen del Socavón
  • La Torre de la Compañia de Jesús
  • Iglesia y Convento de San Francisco in Potosí
  • Iglesia de San Lorenzo de Carangas
  • Iglesia de la Merced de Sucre
  • Convento La Recoleta
  • Iglesia de San Francisco en Sucre
  • Catedral de Concepción
  • Catedral de San Ignacio de Velasco
  • Jesuit Mission
  • Iglesia de San José de Chiquitos
  • Iglesia de San Ignacio de Moxos

Let's talk

I'm here to help you create the best trip to Bolivia
and share with you my country's best secrets and hidden gems.
Don't be shy and send me a message!
Gabriel Ortiz - Travel Designer

Gabriel Ortiz

Travel Designer

or contact me at:

+33 (0) 7 68 32 41 29



Bolivia: unspoiled

Come to where the unexplored still exists