Bolivia is incomparable...
just like you.

Here's the story...

Finding inspiration

Browsing the web and social networks, it seems that you found your next destination. Cultures, landscapes, colors, flavors, adventures, festivals, encounters... Apparently Bolivia has it all! Now that you know that Bolivia is worth a visit you start planning your probably once-in-a-lifetime trip.

Information overload

During the planning process of your trip you are victim of the information overload by Google, travel blogs, reviews and all those "ultimate guides". International flights, local transportation, stopovers, accommodation, restaurants, activities, visas, permits, vaccinations, safety and an endless list of other details make you end up tired, confused and stressed.

Dealing with travel agents

You decide to leave those details in the hands of travel agents. Thus you discover that you will be imposed on an itinerary full of activities that you are not interested in and that you will possibily be one more within a group of undesired travel companions. It is normal, travel agents will give more importance to the commissions they can get from providers than to the personalization of your trip.

Considering digital platforms

Web and mobile apps, artificial intelligence, big data and other technologies promise you a personalized experience for your trip, until the moment you realize that you became part of the algorithm and you’ll end up getting the same itinerary your travel agent offered you in the first time, and overpriced.

Kuntur comes into play

Here is where Kuntur wants to help you save, time and money and to avoid stress. You tell us the destinations you want to visit, the experiences you want to live, the services you need, the dates, your budget and all the little details; then we create a first itinerary full of tips and recommendations tailored to your expectations and needs. Like this you are saving money by not paying for services you’ve never requested or for activities you don’t want to do at all, very typical practice of big travel companies.

Independent recommendations

With a fully personalized itinerary, you will be the sole owner of your time and your wallet. Given the fact that we do not have “strategic alliances” with any provider and we do not receive any commission, we guarantee the independence of our recommendations, so only you can book the services that you consider better during your journey, and what's more, under request you can also get personal assistance in the process of your bookings. In this way, you will be paying only for what you get.

At your own pace and peace of mind

Bags packed, flights booked, personalized itinerary ready and totally independent recommendations on your phone, there’s nothing stopping you from having the best time in Bolivia, at your own pace and if you need it you can also request a 24/7 assistance for you to have the peace of mind for your perfect trip.

Enjoy travelling in a responsible way

By not having “partnerships” we have the great chance and advantage of recommending local operators and small businesses due to the quality of their services, availability, that match your preferences and their social and ecological impact. This way we help local communities and also social enterprises to access a wider market share and to be fairly compensated. In other words, it’s a win-win for all.

Kuntur is commited to be...



Kuntur prefers to work in a completely independent way and without any bias with partner suppliers, associates or sponsors. Our priority is to provide an unforgettable trip to Bolivia tailored to your preferences, but also to slow down mass tourism in sensitive places that contribute to the environmental degradations and disturbe local communities.



Kuntur prioritizes the recommendation of quality Bolivian enterprises and where their services are available. Responsible and sustainable travel is very important so that your money stays within the local communities and favors their social and economical growth and not in the pockets of a big wholesaler or businessman.



Kuntur is clear and direct with the prices and since we have no predefined suppliers, you are the only one who decides what to pay, how and when to do it; quite the opposite to the prearranged packages of traditional agencies or automated itineraries created by robots in web platforms with services and activities that you may not want to use and to do.



Kuntur offers a professional advising and consulting service entitled by the experience gathered from countless Bolivian trips created and designed, thousands of kilometers travelled in the country and unique experiences delivered to travellers from all over the world. Bolivia is our home country and we know it better than anybody else.

For 5 reasons...


True tailor-made itineraries

If you contact Kuntur through the "Plan your trip" section of our site, we will be able to learn more quickly your travel preferences like dates, budget and the kind of activites you want. This way we can offer you a first draft of your itinerary that you can customize to the smallest detail after getting in contact via e-mail or a phone call. We'll make sure that hotels, B&Bs, transportation, activities and complementary services meet the needs and expectations that you have.


Independent and responsible recommendations

The itinerary and the list of tips and recommendation that you'll receive will include only services, activities, attractions and places that will match your preferences satisfying all your requirements, not more not less. At the same, you'll also be part of a more responsible way of travelling, encouraging the development of local communities and small businesses just like socially and environmentally responsible providers.


You save money, do the math

When you plan a trip you usually look for the best value for your money and usually you end up booking accommodation, transport and other services through web platforms; by doing this you are paying commissions, transactions fees and sometimes hidden rates. With Kuntur you only pay for what you get directly to the provider you chose, because you are not compelled to pre-book or book any service at any stage of your trip planning.


You save precious time

Days and days of planning, visiting hundreds of websites, reading comments and reviews, scanning traditional guide books or travel blogs with endless outdated recommendations to services that payed to be mentioned in their articles; all this just to have a vague idea of what is best and most suitable for you. Kuntur saves you all that planning time so you can rather use it for something more important.


No stress, no hassle

The stress of planning first appears when you are starting to plan the trip and the hassle increase even more when you go further in the organization and it finally flares the day you take the plane and depart without really knowing if everything will go as you planned. Our mission is to save you all this burden and to give you the perfect itinerary, tips, recommendations and if you wish a 24/7 traveler assistance service.


1. Choose

We're all different, so is your travel style. Tell us what type of traveler you are by taking our one of its kind survey.

2. Get

After your approval, a personalized itinerary full of customized activities and recommendations will be sent to you. You'll be free to book the services you want.

3. Enjoy

You are ready to visit Bolivia at your own pace, knowing what to do, where to go, at what time, with which provider and what's even better, with a 24/7 assistance.

  • We learn about your preferences, budget and most importantly, which places and which activities you want to do during your trip. In other words, we want to know what kind of traveler you are.
  • We design your trip from scratch according to your traveler profile and your requirements based on what you communicate during our first contact.
  • We send you a personalized first itinerary with tips and recommendations of local services and activities as well as the instructions on how to make the bookings directly to the service provider.
  • If you choose the right plan, we will be pleased to modify the itinerary as many times as you wish, even when you will be already in Bolivia. The bad weather, contingencies or unanticipated changes are not longer an issue.
  • Kuntur assists you before, during and after your trip to Bolivia. Depending on the services you choose, you can benefit from personalized assistance via phone or e-mail 24 hours a day.
  • You let us know your preferences through our automated survey or via e-mail. Or we can fix a date and time for having a phone call to talk about your trip in greater depth.
  • You will evaluate the itinerary you'll get from Kuntur to adjust details.
  • You will book directly with the local providers of your choice. You can pre-book online in some cases, or you can do it directly in place. Don't worry, we will help you in the entire reservation process upon request.
  • Pack your bags and enjoy! It is time to travel and to discover Bolivia, live memorable experiences with the peac of mind that you'll be assisted at any time and you'll be using the best local services suited to your needs.

Get to know me...

Gabriel Ortiz - Travel Designer Bolivia

Your travel advisor

My name is Gabriel, but you can call me Gabo if you want. 100% Bolivian, from La Paz to be precise. I have had the fortune of being able to travel and get to know my country, its people, its different cultures, its one-of-a-kind landscapes and extraordinary experiences that I would like to share with you.

Yes, I do have a university degree in Tourism, but what I learned from my country doesn't come from a classroom, but from my travels throughout Bolivia, living unique experiences in towns and communities, learn about their traditions, festivities and culture.

This experience I didn't get it during a gap year, but during countless and innumerable journeys since I was little. Trips with family or friends, study visits, professional trips or solitary getaways to get to know my country's hidden gems.

I currently live between La Paz and La Rochelle, France and I'm permanently creating itineraries all over Bolivia to discover new landmarks, trips to which you are also warmly invited to participate.

Bolivia is my passion and showing it to the world is my mission.


It's hard to choose, but here you have some of my favorites:

  • The exceptional Salar de Uyuni and colored lagoons tour.
  • Expedition in the Madidi to look closely all that bonteous biodiversity
  • Stroll around La Paz city in the cable car network
  • Unparalled excursions in the Amboró Park in Santa Cruz
  • The greatness of the Sajama volcano and its sourrandings in the Altiplano
  • The baroque music festival in San Ignacio de Moxos
  • I have to be honest, this list could be endless...

Let's talk

I'm here to help you create the best trip to Bolivia
and share with you my country's best secrets and hidden gems.
Don't be shy and send me a message!
Gabriel Ortiz - Travel Designer

Gabriel Ortiz

Travel Designer

or contact me at:

+33 (0) 7 68 32 41 29




Bolivia: unspoiled

Come to where the unexplored still exists