Save money, time and the hassle

Fees table

The prices shown down here are based on an itinerary from...

Prices shown on this page include all taxes and currency transactions fees.

Kuntur Essential

  • One-hour phone call to find out more about your preferences
  • International flight recommendations
  • Activities recommendations
  • General recommendations
  • Up to 3 itinerary adjustments
  • Detailed itinerary in PDF and web version

Kuntur Full Experience

  • All from Kuntur Plus
  • 24/7 assistance during trip
  • Concierge service on site
  • Maps and interactive travel guides
  • SIM card with 4G/3G Internet
  • Personalized souvenir on your return
Prices shown on this page include all taxes and currency transactions fees.

Kuntur Essential

  • One-hour phone call to find out more about your preferences
  • International flight recommendations
  • Activities recommendations
  • General recommendations
  • Up to 3 itinerary adjustments
  • Detailed itinerary in PDF and web version

Kuntur Full Experience

  • All from Kuntur Plus
  • 24/7 assistance during trip
  • Concierge service on site
  • Maps and interactive travel guides
  • SIM card with 4G/3G Internet
  • Personalized souvenir on your return
Prices shown on this page include all taxes and currency transactions fees.

Kuntur Essential

  • One-hour phone call to find out more about your preferences
  • International flight recommendations
  • Activities recommendations
  • General recommendations
  • Up to 3 itinerary adjustments
  • Detailed itinerary in PDF and web version

Kuntur Full Experience

  • All from Kuntur Plus
  • 24/7 assistance during trip
  • Concierge service on site
  • Maps and interactive travel guides
  • SIM card with 4G/3G Internet
  • Personalized souvenir on your return

Our guarantees

Kuntur is comitted to be...


Unbiased recommendations. Services are recommended to you for their quality, availability and match upon your requests.


No hidden prices, no fine print on our prices. You only pay for planning fees and then you are free to book the recommended services or not.


We focus only on Bolivia and its different destinations and experiences. We design tailor-made itineraries just in Bolivian territory.

Local & Responsible

You get the best value for your money and at the same time you help local communities and small businesses to get a fair remuneration.

Pricing FAQs

The most frequently asked questions about Kuntur fees answered

Are prices refundable?

You may request a full refund under certain conditions. After you confirm an itinerary as satisfactory, the fees you paid are non-refundable. Your refund claim should be done before the date of departure of your trip. If you choose the Plus or Full Experience plan you can benefit from unlimited number of revisions until you are 100% satisfied before your trip to Bolivia.

Up to how many travelers per plan?

The fees tables shown in the Prices page are based on a maximum group of 4 people. If your group has more than four members, starting the fifth one a supplement of €10 euros per person per day of trip must be paid.

The prices include travel insurance?

No. However, if you request advising on travel insurances we can help you with that at no extra cost. We can recommend travel insurance according to the activities you are going to do and places you are going to visit. Moreover, it may be possible that you will only need your credit card insurance for a trip to Bolivia, so you will save some money avoing purposeless extra insurance.

Is there a free version of your services?

Yes. The first itinerary that you'll receive in your mailbox after completing our survey is totally free. However, if you will like to personalize it; to get the best tips and recommendations on what to do, where to go and when; and to benefit from assistance during your travel you must choose the plan that suits you best.

Does the initial call have a cost?

If you call me for the first time asking for queries about our services, that call has no cost. However, the initial call that we have to learn about your preferences and ways of travel is included in the plans. So we'll schedule your call only after you chose the plan the most suitable to you.

I'd like you to organize my trip of more than 21 days, what do I do?

We are here to help you! You just have to contact me at gabriel@kunturbolivia.com and we'll discuss prices that will depend mostly on the number of days of your trip.

Do you book for me?

No, we don't book any service for you. Kuntur is not a travel agency, but rather, Kuntur is a travel planner, a travel designer, a travel advisor, a travel consultant, you name it. We create the best itinerary possible based on your preferences and budget, it will be your job to book the services that are suggested by Kuntur. But don't worry, you can be assisted in the booking process under request.

However, if you choose the Full Experience plan our on-site concierge service can help you making reservations in restaurant or certain activities or can buy tickets for shows or museum tickets if needed.

How and when do I make the payment?

Once we have scheduled the date for the inital phone call, you'll receive a link with the payment webpage that will detail the plan and the services that you've requested so you can easily proceed to the secure payment platform via Stripe or Paypal.

Can I have discounts?

The prices shown on the website are final and not negotiable. Nevertheless, if you have a special request or questions we'll be pleased to help you and we'll do our best to find a solution, you can send a message at gabriel@kunturbolivia.com

What is the payment process to follow?

You have two ways to start the Travel Planning service process and payment:

1. Through our initial planning survey for your trip in the Plan Your Trip section of the site.

2. Directly by phone call or by e-mail message.

After getting in contact with Kuntur by any of these two methods, you'll get a completely free initial itinerary with landmarks, must-see atractions and must-do activities during your visit. In the same e-mail you'll choose one of the three plans to proceed to the elaboration of your personalized travel itinerary and recommendations that will start by our initial phone call.

What does the planning service not include?

It should be emphasized that Kuntur doesn't include the booking service. We don't book flights, hotels, activities, tours and/or restaurants. We will recommend the best services according to your expectations and needs, then it will be your job to book the services that you decide to use following the booking links provided or the booking process instructions.

We don't provide any travel insurance, but under request we can help you choosing the option according to the activities you will do during your visit.

What about the cancellations?

If for any reason of force majeure you decide to cancel your entire trip, you have two options:

1. Notify about the cancellation of your original trip and request a postponement of the elaboration of your itinerary for the next 6 months. In this case we will keep your deposit and we will resume your trip when you decide it at no additional cost.

2. Request a full refund.

What are the exchange rates?

Kuntur works in Euros (EUR €) and the prices shown in US dollars (USD $) and British pound sterling (GBP £) in the fees table already include the exchange rates, so you'll not pay more than what you see. If you want to pay in another currency, the exchange rate will be made to the Euro and the payment page will already include the exchange rates and corresponding fees.

Do I pay upfront?

Yes. All the payments should be done upfront. This will cover the time and expertise the travel advisor spend working on personalized and perfectioning your itinerary and assembling the best recommendations.

Not sure yet? Let's talk

Don't be shy and contact me directly for any inquiry

Gabriel Ortiz - Bolivia Travel Designer

Gabriel Ortiz

Travel Designer

I'm here to help you create the best experience during your trip to Bolivia.

+33 (0) 7 68 32 41 29

Or just simply

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