Gran Chaco & Pantanal Lowlands Map


Gran Chaco & Pantanal Lowlands

Discover Kaa Iya del Gran Chaco Park, Villamontes, Yacuiba, Otuquis Park, Tucavaca Valley, Puerto Suárez, Lago Cáceres, Puerto Quijarro and more.


The region

The wetlands of the Pantanal and the arid Gran Chaco are almost unexplored and therefore well preserved regions. Flora and fauna protected by reserves and parks such as the Otuquis and the Kaa Iya, can be spotted quite very easily.

Interactive guide

This is a short list of some places where you can live unforgettable experiences according to your preferences and expectations. Leave Kuntur the job of organizing and planning your best trip to Bolivia.

Where to go

This is a short list of some places where you can live unforgettable experiences according to your preferences and expectations. Leave Kuntur the job of organizing and planning your best trip to Bolivia.
Otuquis Park

Otuquis Park

Wildlife Watching / National Parks
Kaa Iya Park

Kaa Iya Park

Wildlife Watching / National Park / Expedition
San Matías

San Matías

Wildlife Watching / Expedition


Local Life / Communities
Puerto Suárez

Puerto Suárez

Nature Sights / Local Life


Local Life / Excursions
Puerto Quijarro

Puerto Quijarro

Local Life / Historic Sites
Valle del Tucavaca

Valle del Tucavaca

Nature Sights / Excursions

Let's talk

I'm here to help you create the best trip to Bolivia
and share with you my country's best secrets and hidden gems.
Don't be shy and send me a message!
Gabriel Ortiz - Travel Designer

Gabriel Ortiz

Travel Designer

or contact me at:

+33 (0) 7 68 32 41 29



Bolivia: unspoiled

Come to where the unexplored still exists