Exploring The Altiplano

Exploring The Altiplano experiences in Bolivia

This is a short list of some places where you can live unforgettable experiences according to your preferences and expectations. Leave Kuntur the job of organizing and planning your best trip to Bolivia.
  • Where to find the best activities related to this experience?
  • Cordillera Kari Kari
  • Tarapaya hot springs
  • Salar de Uyuni
  • Salar de Chiguana
  • Colchani
  • Isla Incahuasi
  • Laguna Cañapa
  • Paso del Inca
  • Laguna Colorada
  • Sol de Mañana
  • Laguna Polques
  • Pampa Siloli
  • Laguna Verde
  • Volcán Licancabur
  • Valle de Rocas

Let's talk

I'm here to help you create the best trip to Bolivia
and share with you my country's best secrets and hidden gems.
Don't be shy and send me a message!
Gabriel Ortiz - Travel Designer

Gabriel Ortiz

Travel Designer

or contact me at:

+33 (0) 7 68 32 41 29




Bolivia: unspoiled

Come to where the unexplored still exists